Authority Meeting 25 November 2020

Authority Meeting

15:00 – 16:00 25 November 2020

Chairman Present:

Jacob Kohnstamm

Voting Members Present:

Gailina Liew

David Smith

Clarisse Girot

Paul Routier MBE

Helen Hatton


No apologies.

Non - Voting Members Present:

Dr Jay Fedorak – Information Commissioner

In Attendance:

Paul Vane -  Deputy Information Commissioner

Claire Le Brun – Finance Manager

Anne King  - Communications and Operations Manager [Notetaker]

Guest Speaker

No guest speaker








Call to order and discussion topics agreed.



Purpose of the Meeting:


The Chair called the Extraordinary Meeting for voting members to discuss and approve an independent review of the pay and reward structure of the JOIC in advance of the fiscal year end. 




Independent Pay Review



































The Chair of the Authority asked all members for their views on the pay review. He reminded members that whilst the Information Commissioner (IC) is responsible for the JOIC salary budget, it is good practice for the Authority to have an oversight.


The Chair of the Remuneration Committee advised the Authority members that the proposed pay review is ‘reasonable’.


The Information Commissioner has no concerns with respect to the funding of the modest changes the review proposed.


Pay Bandings & Career


The Authority members expressed support for the JOIC to have a suitable entry-level role/salary allowing for career progression. 


They also identified the relatively small difference between the salaries of the Commissioner and the  Deputy Commissioner’s as an issue to address in future.



The Authority saw no political obstacles for implementing the modest changes to salary that the review proposed. It noted that the recent Comptroller and Auditor General Salaries Report confirmed that JOIC salaries are not high.

























The Authority endorsed implementing the recommendation of the review of pay and reward with respect to JOIC staff.


Appendix F – Authority Members Remuneration Proposal

The Authority discussed  the Authority Members Remuneration Proposal.




The Authority decided to postpone any changes to member remuneration until after the termination of the current appointments in 2021.


The Authority decided that members should review the amount of time they spend annually on Authority business.


The Authority decided that in addition to a pay scale category for the Chair and voting members, there should be category for Committee Chairs.





Other Business

No other business. The meeting closed at 16.00.